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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Letters & Life

The most selfish ONE letter is I so please AVOID it.

The most satisfying TWO letters are WE so please USE it.

The most damaging THREE letters are EGO so please QUIT it

The most pleasing FOUR letters are LOVE so please VALUE it.

The most friendly FIVE letters are SMILE so please KEEP it.

The fastest spreading SIX letters are RUMOUR so please IGNORE it.

The most admirable SEVEN letters are SUCCESS so please ACHIVE it.

The most harmful  EIGHT letters are JEALOUSY so please keep a big DISTANCE from it.

The most powerful NINE letters are KNOWLEDGE so please ACQUIRE it.

The most positive TEN letters are CONFIDENCE so please POSSESS it.

If you are for what you have and if what you have is lost,then who you are?
                                                                                                      HARI Nandakumar  

What is LIfe?

If Life is Challenge then Meet it
If Life is Adventure then Dare it
If Life is Duty then Perform it
If Life is Mystery then Unfold it
If Life is Song then Sing it.
If Life is Dream then Realize it.
If Life is Promise then Fulfill it.
If Life is Beauty then Praise it.
If Life is Precious then Care it.